
Resolutions made?  Some probably broken by now, too, but I’m not here to judge.  Now is the time to just slog through January the best we can and have some giggles along the way (or at least some alcoholic beverages that lead to those???).

This morning, we stopped to get me a hot chocolate at Starbucks.  I haven’t had one in a few weeks.  My hubs mentioned that the “much younger version” of me would have probably been appalled that I was at Starbucks in the first place, let alone noting I hadn’t been in a few weeks, and it occurred to me that I am spoiled.  My husband chuckled and said maybe I’m not spoiled, but maybe I’m just getting to enjoy the fruits of my labor.  But between you and me, I’m spoiled.

Okay, so I’m not Mariah Carey-buy-me-$1000-bon-bons spoiled since I still do price matching and use coupons, but I want for nothing.  I take great pleasure in being able to buy people gifts!  I do not have the biggest house.  I do not drive a brand new car.  I do not buy clothes at full-price, but if you do – good on you.  I’m still living well beyond what I’ve ever known.  So as we try to weather the storm known as January, I realize that’s what I wish for you in 2014.  I wish for you to have a life that’s easy and the best you’ve ever known…

I hope that 2014 brings you parties to go to and little barbecued wieners to eat (you know I couldn’t resist that – lol).  I hope that you have drinks with friends, especially the umbrella-ed frou-frou kind and that you laugh so loudly that people at nearby tables are annoyed (I of course know nothing about this).

I hope that you find time to call your parents or other family and stop in to bring them Panera bagels for breakfast and chat, just a little something out of the ordinary.  I hope you go to birthday parties where little kids dive into the cake frosting first and they get giant teddy bears that serve no purpose but to say they are loved.  I hope you rip open presents with great delight.  I hope you go to funerals to show appreciation for lives well-lived and people that made an impact on you.  Also, I hope you go to weddings to enjoy the happiness of fresh starts and that love still exists in our scary world.

I hope you go to your job and work hard to earn your money, but only when you have to, not putting work first.  I hope you wash your cars on perfect sun-shining days and that you curl up with your blanket and a good book or movie when it’s snowing outside.  I hope you grow flowers if you enjoy them or lay by the pool if it’s available.

I hope you go out for brunches and have the “most incredible” cinnamon crunch French toast drizzled in caramel syrup or whatever it is that makes you gush about the food.  I hope you take walks on a gorgeous fall day with yellowed-leaves falling at your feet, or play catch with your nephew in the back yard.  With any luck, there will be moments where you’ll take selfies of you in high spirits at a Brad Paisley (yum) concert, an outdoor grilling festival or luau, or a cheesy parade in honor of Spam or something.

And if the option comes up for you to go on vacation, I sure hope you jump at the chance.  I hope you laugh and play and remember that you’re too old to do some of the things you did anyway.

But I also hope you take time to do some nice things for other people who may need a pick-me-up, and I hope you remember to thank the powers that be and maybe your significant other or your family that you often take for granted.  I hope you make them homemade chocolate chip cookies or a wreath for the front door made out of beer caps or ticket stubs.  And I wish for you the sense of time – the kind of time that gives you a chance to rest, recuperate, relax, or piss away an afternoon playing games on your phone.


When 2014 comes to an end, I hope you have good memories, enough exciting stuff to fill a Christmas letter, and pictures of people and places that make you happy to be who you are and where you are in life.  Again, I hope life treats you to the good you deserve and the kind of spoiled that leads you to Starbucks on a Saturday morning.

Happy 2014, my friends!


Are you spoiled?  Tell me how!  Got something to add?  Comment below.  Want to share these well wishes to others in your life, please go ahead and hit the share key above.